
Showing posts from January, 2018
SICK... I  guess I will have to rant about 508 BCE tomorrow because I felt so sick today that I had to leave early so I missed Western Civ. 
Friday's Blog On Friday I did not do my blog because I was at John Carroll until midnight on both nights. I know we had Friday and Saturday but Friday I was at school till midnight helping my sister with her senior project and Saturday I was at her dance. I know I do not get points for doing it if it was late but I do have a reason for not doing it. I had no time and now I regret that because I have a bad grade so...
508 BCE!! I was not feeling well at all today during the last three mods so I will talk about the importance of 508 BCE tomorrow. 
GREECE Today we discussed the following topics: Polis- a Greek city-state, the fundamental political unit of ancient Greece after about 750 B.C. (Page 127) Acropolis- a fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city. (Page 127) Monarchy- a government in which power is in the hands of a single person. (Page 127) Aristocracy- a government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class of nobility. (Page 127) Oligarchy- a government in which power is in the hands of a few people, especially one in which rule is based upon wealth. (Page 127) Tyrants- in ancient Greece, a powerful individual who gained control of a city-state's government. (Page 127) Democracy- a government controlled by its citizens, either directly or through representatives. (Page 128) Helot- in the society of ancient Sparta, a peasant bound to the land. (Page 129) phalanx- a military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields. Persian wars- a series of wars in the fifth cen...
THE ODYSSEY Today in Mr. Schick's class we spent most of the time listening to a recording of a man read the Odyssey on YouTube. As the recording went on, Mr. Schick wrote some notes on the board and we copied hem down too. The story was about Odysseus and his men escaping an island from a giant cyclops. After listening to the story we talked for a few seconds and then the bell rang. 
ACTUALLY WRITING NOTES FOR ONCE Location Significance Aegean Sea Ionian sea Adriatic Sea (North of the Ionian Sea) Peloponnesus  Athens Sparta  Crete Asia Minor Macedonia (ALL SURROUNDED GREECE) SEAS The Greeks lived around the seas. The seas connected Greece with other societies and provided shipping and trading lanes.  LAND Greeks made several small communities around the mountains rather than one large one. The Greeks had several governments within each little valley. WEATHER The weather in Greece varied. Some days it was cold and some days it was very hot. The temperature varied throughout Greece and there was no average. The climate continuously changed throughout the course of the year. Some days being 40 degrees Fahrenheit, others being 80 degrees Fahrenheit. OBSTACLES  Uneven terrain makes transportation harder for the average person. Uneven services meant that there were few fertile valleys and with fewer fertile valleys came a lack in res...
FISH Today we talked about the food that the Greeks ate and the difficulties that they faced. We learned that they ate olives and grains. After a little bit of discussion, Faith argued that FISH should be up there too. Finally, Mr. Schick gave in and added fish to the slide. We continued on with the presentation and we got to the Trojan War. We talked a little bit about how some people thought it was a myth and how they were right or wrong. Finally Mr. Schick stopped teaching and we took some notes from the textbook. Then after documenting some facts, we started to translate them into our blogs. That is about it so.. yeah!
CONTINUATION WITH GREECE Today we continued learning about Greece and how their location affects their community. We learned about the seas and how they navigated their way through the waters to get to different ports to trade. We also learned about the mountains and the rough terrain that they lived on and around. We talked about the land not being fertile and the Athenians hating the Minoans. We stopped just before we touched on the Trojan War. Tomorrow we will learn more about their culture and their techniques for gathering food for their people.
GREECE Today was our first Honors Western Civ class. We talked about Greece and talked about the cultural features. This includes the land, sea, and everything in between. We were given a textbook and we were told that we could change the name of our blog. We were also told that Mediterranean meant "the middle of the Earth." Then the bell rang and we headed out. Tomorrow we will learn about the impact that the mountains have on the communities. We will also learn about how there are very few roads, and the roads that are there are made of dirt. I am sure we will learn more tomorrow about the community and their benefits from the environment and their struggles but that is all we did today.
COUNTRIES TEST Today we took the countries test and I did study, however, I still found some parts tricky. I didn't remember everything, in fact, I forgot who Netanyahu was. I also forgot who the Prime Minister of the UK was so I put Theresa May and I was right. The rest was pretty easy but I didn't study the types of government so that wasn't good. :( The rest was pretty good though. However, when we went over some of the harder questions at the end of class, I did get some of them wrong. I believe Mr. Schick said if you get five wrong you would still get an A though, so that is good!
Countries Quiz Soon Today in class we finished going over the countries power-point and we were told that there would be a quiz given to us on Friday based off of our notes that we should have taken. Yes I did take notes on the presentation and I actually wrote a lot about every country. More than he would've liked probably because I basically wrote every word for the first five countries but then I began to slow down and take only key points. I did put them in bullet points though so that makes it a lot easier to review from. After taking some notes we met the end of our lesson and the bell rang. 
Countries Today we took notes on several countries and their leaders. We wrote down key facts for every country and we talked about why those countries are so important. We did not finish going through all of the countries but we did get through most of them. After about five or six countries we ran out of time and we just talked and then class ended.
Countries Today we were assigned a project that is due tomorrow based on countries and their information. They are the most important countries such as Russia, Japan, India, Germany, Israel and others that are economically inclined. Information is provided below about a country like Mexico.  MEXICO Mexico is a Republic, a Presidential system, a constitutional republic, and a Federal Republic. Mexico’s leader is a man named Enrique Peña Nieto. Official Title: Governor of the State of Mexico.
Political Geography Today in Human Geography we learned about Political Geography and its effects on society. We started to discuss institutions, and states and what states with a capital "S" mean. We talked for a bit about some key terms and then we heard some stories that people were so eager to tell and guess what? We were so eager to listen to them. (not) We then got off track for a while and discussed some not so important things but finally got back into drive and kept going on with the lesson. After that we sang happy birthday to Kelsie and we left.