Today we discussed the following topics:
Polis- a Greek city-state, the fundamental political unit of ancient Greece after about 750 B.C. (Page 127)

Acropolis- a fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city. (Page 127)

Monarchy- a government in which power is in the hands of a single person. (Page 127)

Aristocracy- a government in which power is in the hands of a hereditary ruling class of nobility. (Page 127)

Oligarchy- a government in which power is in the hands of a few people, especially one in which rule is based upon wealth. (Page 127)

Tyrants- in ancient Greece, a powerful individual who gained control of a city-state's government. (Page 127)

Democracy- a government controlled by its citizens, either directly or through representatives. (Page 128)

Helot- in the society of ancient Sparta, a peasant bound to the land. (Page 129)

phalanx- a military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields.

Persian wars- a series of wars in the fifth century B.C., in which Greek city-states battled the Persian Empire. (Page 131)

Direct Democracy- a government in which citizens rule directly, rather than through representatives. (Page 135) 


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