Flying Solo for the Presentation

Today the some folks in the class presented their projects and I was one of them. Instead of being in a group of students, I chose to be on my own. Vlad tried to get me to join his group several times but I wouldn't budge. I don't like working on group projects unless you have the option of being alone. Most of the time I get stuck with my friends who don't want to participate at all and then I am left doing all of the work. I do like presenting with another person but not when they are presenting just my work and none of their own. To ensure that this doesn't happen, I work on my own. Another big reason I do not like to work in groups is because of the chance that one of my members got lazy and did some last minute copy and pasting. I've heard it all before trust me, there is no say in it and no escape, everyone goes down for it even if it wasn't you. If you are a member of it, you did it. I presented and I do not think that my questions were all that, but my answers were pretty bomb. I worked hard on most of the presentation and then I became the lazy member of the group when it came to the organizations part. It was a totally different font from the rest of the page and probably not the right size and it was just a bunch of worthless opinions put together to form a paragraph., I think if I had to rate my project I would give myself a 98% because my work was pretty thorough and I followed through with my answers and gave strong details. (except for the organizations part). That is it so, bye!!


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