Athens lay in the middle of a Mediterranean peninsula. Reading and writing was a rare skill and there wasn't a such thing as medicine or science. The common people lived under the rule of the aristocrats. The Corinthians dominated the Greek trade. In the southern part of Greece Sparta built up a brutal fighting force so they could not be overtaken by newcomers. Images of Greek fighters are found all throughout Greece painted on walls and ceilings. The land around Athens grew olives and grains for the people to eat. People would boat into the Mediterranean Sea to be met by others to trade their goods. Hippias took over after his father and began to reign like him. After Hippias's brother was murdered, Hippias ordered execution after execution for revenge for whoever killed his brother. He became paranoid and suspicious of everyone and killed those he no longer liked. He ordered mass executions for the people that murdered his brother and for those families of the men who committed the crime. Hippias was cornered up in his stronghold by Cleisthenes and banished from Athens forever.  The Spartans helped back Isagoras when he turned against his community and took control. Cleisthenes was overtaken by Isagoras and the Spartans. The people of Athens took their fate into their own hands and charged those in control of Athens. They trapped Isagoras in his house for three days before he was forced to surrender and give up his control over the people. Cleisthenes was brought back from his exile and asked to build up a government for the people. He built up a democracy for the people so they could have a say in what went on. If the people thought the idea that was proposed was great they would take a white stone and if it was bad, a black was to be taken. The color majority would win. 


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