A Message to Garcia is a story that shows that you should just do your job when asked without making an excuse. Elbert Hubbard is basically saying that when you are asked to complete a certain task, don't backtalk or give sass, just do it. I think that he is right that you should do something when you are asked. I disagree with him when he says that he wants to "kick them with a boot" though. I think that you should just encourage them and get them motivated to do their job. If they fail to obey your orders then fire them. When they gather their things to leave, just tell them, "good luck getting a job when you refuse to work".
            I think that you should be like Rowan. Rowan had to sneak behind enemy lines in Cuba to complete a risky job, to deliver a letter to the general. He didn't refuse, give up, or even give an excuse. He simply accepted the mission and went to work. Now a man that obeys an order to go behind enemy lines and risk his life is loyal to his boss. A man who complains when asked to grab an encyclopedia and look something up is not a worker you should depend on. I have been stuck in previous working groups where I have been the only one who has worked while the others have sat and played computer games. And of course, in the end when we go to present, they still get an A for doing absolutely nothing. For them, I guess it was just the thought that counted. In other words, do your work because the consequences are not worth it.
            This year I am going to study on my off mods and try to get ahead in some classes. This wasn't possible in previous years because I didn't have any time off. Now that I do, I am going to make good use of it. Tomorrow morning I have off first mod so I am going to try to get farther ahead on my religion project so I won't have to do so much over the weekend.
            Next I am going to try to memorize my schedule so I don't get lost in the hallways all the time. Until I do have my schedule down, I am just going to keep a copy of it open on my computer screen. This will help so I don't have to constantly pull a schedule out of my pocket and look at it.
            Third, I am going to make folders for each of my classes on my computer so I know where my files and documents are when I need them. This will save me a lot of time and I won't have to go looking here and there for a file. It is also a lot easier to save and open these documents then.
             Fourth, I will try some new clubs and after school activities to meet new people and make more friends. I will try things like mock trial because my dad thinks I will be a great lawyer even though I want to be a diesel mechanic. And maybe even the play, I know I won't get a main part and I don't want one but I heard just being a part of the play was really fun. My sister and her friends always say that the play was a great experience and everyone in the process is really nice and fun.
             Last, I will go to my locker after almost every class so I am not forced to haul around fifty books. This way I will only need the books for the current class I am headed to. It will make it easier on both me and my back. I think this will really help because then I can just head to lunch rather than dropping off all of my books at my locker first and then going. This way the line won't be too long and the cafeteria won't be too crowded yet.


  1. It's very encouraging to me that we have talented writers in the class, which certainly includes you. You made some insightful connections in your Hubbard essay, and I completely agree with your criticism of him (I think the "boot" theory will always be counterproductive). 50/50 for your essay. You are spot on with your Action Plan, too. Organization is key to success in high school, and most of your strategies involve having your ducks in a row. I'm confident you are going to do very well at JC this year (and beyond). 50/50 on your Plan, giving you a total of 100/100 on the assignment. Great start.


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