Today in Human Geography Mr. Schick discussed the policies, expectations, and requirements of the class. Soon after, we (the class) began to log onto and create our account. After much troubleshooting, I failed to create my official blogger account in class. With that being said, I was told to complete it for homework before midnight tonight. So here I am at ten o'clock at night typing up my first blog for Honors Human Geography. I honestly would have written this blog earlier but I was at Grease auditions from four until eight thirty. Yes, I could have done it while waiting for my turn to audition but my computer was with Mr. Vittucci or Mr. Vitucci (not quite sure how to spell his name) due to google chrome and outlook connection failure. Anyway, we were told to create blogs for every day that we have class. Every blog is based on what we learned that day in class. Today we simply went over the class syllabus and how to maintain a good grade. The key to maintaining a good grade in Honors Human geography is to simply just pay attention and take notes. The other key is to CONSTANTLY update your blog. I have heard one thing from students who have previously had Mr. Schick's class and they all say the same thing. He loves his blogs so stay on top of them and keep them up to date and you will do great. The last thing I am going to say is just that I will continue to update my blogs and I will enjoy taking your class this year!


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