Today was definitely an interesting day. The class started when a fellow classmate failed to complete his blog from the previous day. Mr. Schick was very forgiving and let the student attempt to pull it up in the middle of class. As the wait grew longer, Mr. Schick grew more anxious. He constantly checked his email and finally decided to leave the student behind and continue onto the class syllabus.
After a little while, Mr. Schick realized that his computer wasn't receiving any emails. However, the emails did start to come via his phone. One of those emails just happened to be the student's.
So after a long and suspenseful wait, he had done it. The student successfully created and emailed his link to the teacher.
 Mr. Schick made a drum roll and then he opened it. Turns out the link was spelled wrong though. By the end of class the student had successfully managed to open his account and send it to the teacher. He did fail to find the actual blog itself though so he was stuck with doing double the work. In my opinion, opening the email and loading the link was actually very unfulfilling. Hopefully tomorrow everyone has completed their homework and we don't have to waste away a whole class due to one students error.


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