Mr. Schick or Mr. Socrates himself, taught us more about Socrates today. He showed us how and why Socrates died on the EXCELLENCE PowerPoint. Mr. Schick explained to us that Socrates could have saved himself twice but he decided not to. The first opportunity appeared when he was tried in front of 500 people. He could have simply said that he would stop and that he was sorry or he could have defended himself. He decided to do neither, instead he simply admitted that he didn't recognize the gods that the state did. He was proud that he didn't believe in those gods. The other opportunity occurred when he was in jail. The guards let him out because they didn't want him to die. they liked him so they tried to set him free and let him run. Socrates refused and instead stayed until it was time to be poisoned. He took the cup, gave a final speech, shook his fist, and drank. The worst part was drinking the poison because it not only killed you, but it tortured you first. It wasn't a poison that just stopped your heart, it was a poison that shut down your organs and limbs one by one and took up to hours to kill you. I admire Socrates because he didn't cry when he had to consume the poison, he took it like a boss. He took it like it was nothing. Then we had a discussion about what we should do to North Korea and at the end of the discussion Mr. Schick told us that he just used the Socratic method on us. Nobody caught on until he finally said it. Then class just about ended and I told Mr. Schick what was up.


  1. Keep up the great blogging (and go get something to drink!).



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