Blogging Errors

Today Mr. Schick showed us what was both right and wrong with our blogs. He told us to come up to his desk one by one to see what he likes and dislikes. I'm next to be called up, oh gosh! Yes I am currently writing this in class in case you haven't realized yet. I was just told that all I need to add is a title to my blogs so it is easier to see what the blog is about without having to read into it. As you can see, there is a title at the top, woohoo! There is nothing more to write so I am just going to watch people get teased by Socrates because of their weird, but wrong blogs. NOOOO!!! Sorry, just realized I have Spanish next and died a little inside. I was just informed that Socrates will not be here tomorrow... Boohoo!! Besides that, I have nothing more to say so.. The End


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