It appears that I have forgotten to write my blog Friday or Saturday. Now I have no excuse and Socrates is probably shocked. Friday we talked about two maps and how they were different and which one was correct and which was incorrect. Then we watched a little film where people were trying to sell maps to people in the White House. It was all fake of course, then we continued to talk about the two maps. Class was mainly about the maps, except for the part in which the girls complained that it was too hot. The Bel Air versus John Carroll game was really fun too. The only thing was I didn't know if I wanted to be at the top of the bleachers or the bottom. If you look at it, if you sit at the top and the structure collapses you have the longest drop. But if you are at the bottom and somebody falls it is human dominoes and you get squished into a pancake. I decided to stand somewhere in the middle and I told my friends if this goes down like dominoes then jump and we will see what happens. The game was really fun and I particularly liked the spirit that our school showed. I also saw Socrates running in front of the student section several times with his camera, filming us I suppose. I doubt you saw me but when everyone sat down during half we stood up and waved towards you. Odds are you didn't see us it was like looking for a needle in a haystack. All weekend I have been thinking that I forgot something and I couldn't remember what and finally I remembered it was the blog. I know its too late now but I just wanted to do it anyway because I like writing Socrates.


  1. Socrates might be shocked that you missed a blog, but Elbert Hubbard is proud of you for turning it in even though it was late. Me too. One point off (not a deal-breaker.)


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