Site and Situation


Geographers can describe the location of a place by using the word site. Site is the physical character of a place or location. Some important site characteristics include the following: climate, water, soil, topography, soil, latitude, vegetation, and even elevation. Some sites are chosen for their distinct resource supply. Sites on hilltops may be chosen because they have an advantage if they are attacked. Others may set up camp by a river or stream for trading and communication purposes. The southern half of New York City's Manhattan is twice the size that it originally was in 1626. It original cost was $23.75 in Dutch gold and silver coins. In the eighteenth century, people started to create landfills by sinking old ships and dumping trash and refuse on top of them. the site of New York city has grown and developed greatly since 1626 due to all of the changes made by people. 


The location of a place relative to other places is called situation. Situation is a way to indicate location for two reasons. First, it helps us find an unfamiliar place by comparing its location with a familiar one. We identify landmarks to help us find our destinations. Second, it helps us further understand the importance of a particular location. For example, because of its location and situation, Singapore has become the center for trading and distribution of products for most of Southeast Asia.  This is because it is located next to the main route for passing ships. fifty thousand ships pass through Singapore each year. 

Site and Situation can be changed or altered by humans. For example, fifty acres of pine and oak trees can turn into a thriving neighborhood. Humans can cut down the trees, level out the area, and start construction on buildings and structures. Humans can change characteristics of locations and sites. Look at how the United States has gone from in the 20th century to the 21st . We have built more cars, houses, roads, buildings, factories, and countless other structures. We grow and develop new areas every day and we plan to make many more sites and have many more situations to come. 


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