Today in Mr. Schick's class we got our tests back, and if you got a 100% you rang the bell twice. If you got an A, you rang it once, and if you didn't get an A, you didn't get to ring it. I didn't get to ring it this time because I didn't get an A. I got an 86. Socrates also checked our world maps and routes to school assignments. Then we took some notes off of the front board and discussed why every point on Earth is unique. We talked about place and region and discussed the difference. We then discussed why Socrates and his wife moved to the countryside and where he used to live. Socrates and his wife used to live near the festival and then they moved because his wife wanted to have horses. They bought a horse and had it live at a friend's, but then later decided that they wanted to own a place where the horse could live. So Socrates and his wife moved so they could own a horse. Mr. Schick wasn't too happy about moving but he says that he enjoys having a pool and he likes the space. I personally like living in the countryside because you don't have to worry about yelling and having the neighbors hear. If your neighbors do hear, then they can just deal with it. I haven't lived in a court for eight years now going on nine, and I don't think I want too either.


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