Today was a very fun class because I got to finish my homework while Socrates graded his last few tests. Basically we all did our homework while he finished reading and correcting test essays. The only bad part was that I had a splitting headache and I felt nauseous for the whole class. I did not go up to the nurse however because I thought I could bear the pain. Then my side started to hurt and I was tempted to ask to go to the nurse. You know that feeling when you get lightheaded and your heart speeds up and you feel kind of sweaty. Well that's it! Except the room was already hot and we weren't really working so I pushed through it. It stinks though because I have Spanish next and my side pain is growing worse by the minute. I don't know if I feel bad because I'm sick or because of my side. Ten minutes left in class, should I ask, I don't know. It hurts when I walk so I'll just wait it out. I'll go to the nurse when I pass out on the floor. Which by my guess won't be long now. I can't. Its unbearable now. I'll go before the start of next mod.


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