Today we talked about how Socrates hates Maryland crabs and soft crabs which literally just blew my mind, but I guess I get it if you don't grow up on the Easter shore. Then my fellow classmates introduced their shadows and we moved on. We talked a little bit about site and location, but for the most part we talked about crabs and how weird Socrates is, just kidding Bob. Alright, so before class this exchange student named Jason amazed everyone. At lunch, we all and when I mean we all, I mean fifteen to twenty of us turned around and caught Jason and videotaped him. It wasn't bad or anything, he just did something that was pretty dang cool. You know how you can spin basketballs on your finger, well he was doing that but with his Mac. Yes, he was spinning his mac laptop on his finger and I have it on videotape too if you want to see it. Your choice, its pretty incredible though. Back to class, after our whole crab spiel we talked about how if we went to Chicago we wouldn't eat sausages or Bratwursts if we knew how they were manufactured and to be honest, I probably wouldn't. And that is how Socrates sees it but crabs are better than sausages, just saying.


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