A Sad Day for Everyone

Today we were informed that the great Michael Doglas has passed. Mr. Schick was exempt from school yesterday because he was giving his dog the last and best day of his life. Mr. Schick gave up his whole day to be at his dog's side. He played with him and fed him ham and hot dogs and gave him the best last hours of his life. Finally Mr. Schick said his farewells and they both parted. Then we continued to talk about something but nobody really payed any attention because we were all so hung up on Michael Doglas and his passing. Afterwards we looked at pictures of Michael Doglas and some of the girls in the class even cried. Then Mr. Schick told us that he doesn't buy dogs and that him and his wife only take in mutts. He said he believes that another dog will one day wander onto his property like Michael Doglas did, and he will take him in too. Somebody asked how old he was, Mr. Schick said he had no clue because he wandered up to their house probably around the age of five; Mr. Schick estimated him to be about 12. He told us about Michael's story and how he came to be his dog and it was touching. After that, some girls in the class told some stories about loved ones who passed; dogs and chickens who faced tragic deaths. Then we all couldn't stop thinking about sad things. Finally Syd the Sloth said out of nowhere, "Have you ever thought that like, wherever we go when we die, that's where we will be forever." Then the whole class stared at her in confusion thinking, why did you feel the need to say that? Then class ended and we headed out... all of us thinking about Mr. Schick's loss and most of us keeping him and his family and Michael Doglas in our prayers. 


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