Today was the last day of quarter one and now we are officially in quarter two. Today we got our quizzes back and for some reason I always do horribly on them. Today was an example of just that. Then we spent a lot of the time eating candy and talking. Finally we took some notes and then class ended and we left. There isn't much more to say except that I didn't know that today was Halloween until fourth mod. Yes, that is sad. I finished Grease rehearsal around seven and then headed to my aunt's to go trick or treating with my two year old cousin. I only went for like five or six houses and I took a decent amount of candy too. Then around 8:30 my mom and I left and headed home. I got home and settled around 10:15 and now I am doing my blog. Tomorrow I will be at school until seven again for rehearsal and then Thursday I have to miss some classes to do the preview and a matinee. I was sucked/forced into theatre by my mom because she wanted me to try it out. I am actually glad I did it though because it is a great experience and the people involved are great. The show is going to be great too and I hope whoever reads this attends one of our shows. 


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