First Late Day

Friday was officially my first late day of high school. It all started when my mother drove me into school and I didn't feel well, so I decided to stay back and sleep in the car for a half an hour before I went in. The only problem was I overslept. I woke up and panicked, realizing that I was late for class I bolted out of the car with my shoes half on my feet and my backpack unzipped. I ran to the front entrance and threw open the door, I ran to the Academic Wing and checked my phone; it was 8:20. I was actually relieved because I honestly thought I had slept until 9:30. I called my mother and told her what happened and she wasn't mad at all, she was actually very understanding. Then I went to the check in machine outside of Mr. Ireton's room and logged myself in as late. I was printing my late notice slip when Mr. Powell walked out and said, "Doesn't your mother work here?" I shamefully said "Yes sir she does. I wasn't feeling well so I stayed in the car to rest for 20 minutes before coming in and I fell asleep, it won't happen again sir." He laughed and walked away... he looked disappointed. Then I walked into Honors Biology and went to work like I was there the whole time. The only thing was, my computer was on three percent. I felt so bad to be late to Mrs. Deroba's class and then on top of that my computer was about to die. I told her I was sorry and I was having a rough day and she said we all have bad days don't worry. Then my day got a little better and then I got to Human Geo to find out that I FAILED my POP QUIZ!! Not like a 67 fail but like a 11% fail; except it wasn't 11% it was 30. Yup... I got a thirty percent. Not proud at all and that killed my day again. Then we finished our maps and class ended. My day then got a little better when Mr. Gaudreau invited me to Clay Club. I then arrived late... I know.... shocker!! He helped me construct a bowl which was awful until he helped me a bit. Then I went home and thought I was going to sleep in for once and I found out that I was wrong. I couldn't sleep in Saturday because I had theater practice from 10-2 and I can't sleep in Sunday because we go to 11 o'clock mass so I have to wait until next Friday to sleep in that Saturday. High school is a blast and the days fly by but every day I stay after school until either 6 or 9. Yes I am aware that other students do to for sports but 9 o'clock, that's a little much. In the end, its all really worth it because Grease is going to be phenomenal and a lot of people are going to love it. I hope you come and see the show because it really is amazing and very detailed. 


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