No Ink 
Today we took notes on the crude birth and death rate. However, my pen was out of ink so I just pushed really hard onto the paper so I could make indents and trace over it later with a pen that actually worked so I could see it. We then introduced Frankie and Michael's shadows and ate Frankie's donuts. Then we spent the rest of class going over the immigration rate and discussing whether we thought it was going to increase or decrease with Trump in office. Then we continued to take notes as Mr. Schick lectured on and then we talked about dangerous jobs. Mr. Schick told us about all of the jobs in Oregon that if done wrong, can take your life. He talked about the sawmills and the people who cut down trees and then I told him about the structural engineers. He asked if any women partake in the actual detonating of the explosives and I don't think they do. I believe only men do it because so few people have that job because it takes tons of intelligence and patience. My dad works for AECOM; one of the largest corporations in the world and he is pretty high up in the chain. He originally used to work for URS but they went bankrupt and got bought out by AECOM. Out of my all of the offices in the state, there are only three demolition engineers throughout it all. Yes they make tons of money but they take tons of risks and put thousands if not millions of lives at risk when they work. The three men who work under my dad all graduated from top notch schools. Two from Harvard undergrad and Princeton for grad. The other from Princeton first two years and then went to Stanford for the remaining two. My dad interviewed five men and all of them came with bachelors degrees, but only the three he chose came with masters. Anyway, that is all we did so yeah! 


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