Region and Cultural Location 

Today's class started off just like it always does. We complain and ask to leave the room, and Mr. Schick declines us every time. Every class we spend ten minutes picking on each other and pointing out what isn't right; then we get to the lesson. I walked in with my bunny which Mr. Kimble named Junior, and sat him down on my lap. Junior is about two feet tall and light blue. He was being passed around the room because everyone wanted to hold him or feel him because he is really soft. then he came back to me and Mr. Schick grabbed him and put him in an empty desk in the front row. Then we got to work. We talked about region and cultural location and took notes. We wrote down the definitions and then did an activity in which you needed to know the states which took forever. Earlier in the day in Religion, Mr. Kimble smiled and laughed when he saw my bunny walk through the door. I set him on the ground and walked over to set my phone in his door cubbies and when I came back he was in the front row in a desk where a student sat. The student walked in and went to move the bunny when Mr. Kimble told him that the seat was occupied and that there was an open desk in the far back corner of the room. Mr. Kimble then put a book on the desk of my bunny and opened to the page we needed. He put Junior's paw on the page to hold it open and then we laughed. I think he really liked putting Matt in the back so Junior could sit in the front. Today was a good day and that's all I have to say so yeah.


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