Same as Always

Today we talked about why there are twenty four hours in a day and sixty minutes in an hour. Then we dove a little deeper and discussed why there were sixty seconds in a minute. We then talked about if we thought the world should run on just one time schedule. Many of us thought it was a great idea while others slowly lost it. Some of the problems you would have if you did this is if it were the same time all around the world, it could be nine at night and time to go to bed but the sun could be at its highest point in the sky. It wouldn't work due to the earth's rotation. Then some of the class talked about weird theories and it both blew our minds and fried our brains at the same time. Then we continued on and discussed more while our brains slowly cooked like corn kernels in a microwave just waiting to pop at any given second. Then Faith said she remembered reading a quote from somewhere that said something like, "right now you will be the youngest you have ever been and the oldest you will ever be at the same time." Oh, and I almost forgot... Ellie had a shadow named Autumn that Mr. Schick called Fall; why? I don't know, but he did. Then we had some laughs and took notes. I don't think anybody in the class took notes today though because our brains were so destroyed from the previous discussion. Honestly it felt as though someone grabbed my brain and placed it in a blender on full speed for two minutes and then put it back into my head. Just saying. Then class came to an end and I loped out of class with the biggest headache; thanks guys!


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