Thinking Geographically from Global to Local

Take some time to freely and openly explore your own personal items (computers, notebooks, pencil cases, clothes) and various different items in the classroom. Record where your items come from or where they are made. Think about the things that you use most at your home. Do you know the name brands of the items that you use the most? (i.e. TV, Samsung, Computer, Apple) List these items and their country of origin. Try answer these questions about each item: What company made them? Where is that company from? Where was your specific product made? Enter this information in your blog.

Globalization- the act or process of globalizing : the state of being globalizedespecially :the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor markets.

Globalization- the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

The things most used at home are those like the TV or the fridge or the stove. I do not know what brand the TV, the stove, or the fridge are but there are pictures beneath of what they look like. 
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There is the stove and the refrigerator and freezer. I don't know for sure what company these come from but the pictures look pretty much what they look like in real life. However, the stove has bigger oven windows and we have another oven and microwave combined. I honestly don't know where any of the things I use most in my house come from, except for one. My ThinkPad computer. I know that is made in America and it is manufacture in North Carolina; that is where the Lenovo headquarters are located. So it turns out that I do know for sure where one product is manufactured and where it comes from. Another thing I don't know is where our sink came from. It isn't like any ordinary sink, it is made of this gray concrete like cement. The picture looks pretty close to what the sink looks like except for the sink head. The sink head is black with tints of gold (from older age). Besides that, I don't really know any more objects that I mainly use in our house, I mean besides our pantry which my dad built himself. 

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