This morning was very stressful for me; first I left my phone at home, then my contact fell out during Honors Algebra 2 while we were taking a test, and finally Spanish!! Honestly Mrs. A doesn't do anything, its just that Spanish tends to kill me. I did however get my contact back in so that's taken care of. Oh! and I have play practice tonight from 3:45 to 9:45 so there's that too. The real question is when am I going to get my homework done. Definitely not between 2:45 and 3:45 because I have to change and go out with my sister and get a snack from Wawa. Then when I have a free moment in rehearsal I have to call Seasons and place an order so my sister and I have something to eat for dinner because if I don't eat from 3:30 to 9:45 I'll probably tank. Anyway, enough complaining, now to Human Geo.Today in human geo we were given a pop quiz... yeeesh!! I did not do amazing because I do not know every single state's political views. Do you know if Utah was Republican or Democratic in 2008??? Hmm? well neither do I!! Then we went onto the CIA's website and looked in the factbook. We had to write the top 25 countries that were listed for something and place them where they are located on the map. We didn't finish writing the countries in their spots on the map so we will finish tomorrow he said.


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