A Preview of the Test

Today we were asked not to bring in food tomorrow only because we are having a substitute teacher and we are taking a six page long quiz. Also, Mr. Schick told us that he has been in a mood for the last one or two days and he has given out four detentions or so because students would not listen to him and they were caught playing games in his class. He then said that we were one of his top favorite classes and then we moved on. Then Mr. Schick went over parts of the test and told us what we need to know and what we don't. He told us that the first page is fifteen questions and it consists of all questions that refer to the cia.gov factbook. Then we continued on and looked through the quiz and we asked Mr. Schick if said examples were okay if we gave them on a test. He either accepted or declined and then we moved on. We spent a while on push and pull forces and some examples and we finally moved on. Then when we were done going through the test we left. 


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