Korea Options Debate
Today, we talked and discussed what is going on in Korea and what that psycho is doing. Then members of the class contemplated whether Trump should destroy Korea or try to negotiate. Then we discussed if it would be right to take the rich people's money and give it to the poor. Everyone decided that it would be wrong if we gave the rich people's hard earned cash to lazy poor people or people who made decisions in life that they shouldn't have. If they did tax the rich, which they do, the rich always find loopholes somehow and they find ways of getting out of paying large taxes. Which leaves people like us; the middle class, to pay for things that we shouldn't have to pay for. If the government does not receive tax money from the rich, they just take it from the middle class. For example, if the middle class and the top class each pay their taxes or each pay their price then everybody is happy. When the rich get out of paying their share, the rich peoples' share gets added onto the middle classes' share, toppling peoples' salaries and taking our hard earned money. It is ridiculous what the rich can get away with and that needs to change. I do like how trump is making taxes lower for us though, it helps us save money and it makes a lot of people happier. 


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