Test Grade Finalized
As of today, I officially got my first A on a human geo test. I know whoever is reading this is probably like wow it took long enough and yes, it did. I finally got an A on one of his tests instead of getting a thirty percent or a forty. I actually think that my highest was a sixty-nine and now this is my highest. I was actually really glad too because it raised my grade up and now I have all B-ees and two A-s I know that isn't good but I actually have really high B-ees. I am working really hard because I have to raise my gpa. Anyway, I got a ninety-two, not a high A, but an A. Basically we just went over the test during class and that will help for our midterm review and eventually the midterm. 


  1. I was pretty happy to see you get an A. Not surprised, just happy.


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