Essay One: The population pyramids below represent two countries at different stages
of the demographic transition and economic development.

Explain the demographic characteristics of each country below with respect to the
demographic transition model.

Describe potential issues both countries could face in the future if their population
pyramids remain the same.

Discuss possible solutions to each country’s population concerns.

Essay one when it says explain the demographic characteristics with respect to the demographic transition model it basically means what stage is the country in and how can you support your reasoning. Ex. Uganda has a very large base but gets very narrow as it reaches the working class age and has very few elders. Many kids but few adults may show that the country (Uganda) is in stage 1 because their children will grow to the middle class and then the next generation will follow through. Uganda is set as a Christmas tree population pyramid and the Christmas trees end up in stage one because they are developing still but not transitioning. Uganda could have many few people in the working class now. Nobody will be able to run coal mines, oil rigs, shops, engineering companies, etc. Therefore the country will not export or import anything and the economy will not rake in cash and the economy will be developing (stage 1). Uganda’s problems could be solved in twenty years because Uganda may reach into stage two because all the children will reach an age where they are reliable and allowed to be put in charge of jobs that need to be done. Uganda can solve their problem by teaching the kids now how to do these necessary and vital jobs to help build the economy and make society more stable.

Essay Two: Globalization can be understood as the increasing connections of different
parts and peoples around the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international
cultural, economic, and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move
more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar.

Define Globalization.

Discuss the historical process of globalization and describe why the process has accelerated
in recent years.

Discuss the pros and cons of globalization.

Why do some people view the process as negative?

What do you think about globalization?

Essay two I am not going to do.

Essay Three:  Consider our studies of immigration, push and pull forces, our analysis
of CIA World Factbook statistics, and the current state of our nation. Then, thoughtfully
answer these questions:

Should millions of undocumented immigrants with no criminal record be allowed to live
and work in the United States without fear of getting deported?

Should unauthorized immigrants in the United States be allowed to apply for citizenship
Or, do you believe that undocumented immigrants should be required to leave the
United States?

As you answer these questions, while giving your own opinion, try to remain factual,
keeping in mind what we have learned in Human Geography this semester.

No, Unauthorized immigrants should not be allowed to enter the united states and apply to live here because we do not know who they are associated with and who they affiliate from. For all we know they could be spies from another country or terrorists coming in to finish a job they started sixteen years ago. I am not saying all immigrants are like this but the process of applying for citizenship takes a long time to pursue and it takes a few years to get into order and become permanent. Therefore we will not know these people for years and we will have no background information on them and they may not obey our laws. They may refuse to follow our rules and get into social and ethnical problems. Society could become racist and favor or target these citizens and cause chaos for the nation. I believe that they should leave if they have any sort of criminal record in their country or if they have any problem with our laws or rules. They should be forced to exit and return to where they emigrated from if they are in a country that does not respect the US or does not want the US as an ally such as Japan or North Korea. We do not know if these people are dangerous or what kind of connections they may have with neighboring countries who we are trying to calm. They could start something we do not need or go against our freedoms and take advantage of what they have. I just think that it would put the US in a bad position and citizens who were born here may have problems adapting to the thought of people we don’t know coming from countries we don’t support and that don’t support us. People could be afraid to reckon with these people and they may not get jobs or houses in suburban areas. They may just end up as homeless people and trump is trying to push away from that image.  These immigrants could try to take advantage of our rights and try to build up a career that we would just give them when people who were born in the US have spent decades trying to build up their name and respect for their career. 

Push may be that our society may not welcome them or may just shun them because we do not know who they are affiliated with and we don't want to take a risk. They may take advantage of our rights and freedoms and my revoke advantages for not only them but for everyone.

Pull may be that they may be able to be great economical businessmen or women and they may be able to build up our trade and export connections with other countries. They may also give us hints on how their economy works and what can help ours pump harder. They could offer techniques that they have learned where they used to live or even what we have to look out for when we are rivals with their country. I could argue either way. 


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