• Blind storyteller
  • composed stories of the Trojan War c. 750-700 BCE.
  • popular for telling stories of his courageous journeys. He told stories or "epics" of Zeus and his relationships.
  • Told of the Odyssey- 12,110 line story.
  • Homer may have been a mythical creation himself
  • A blind, wandering minstrel; a heroic figure said to have told of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  • May be the culmination of many generations of storytelling or...
  • Homer actually existed and he was just that amazing.

The Odyssey- Odysseus attempts to return home after the Trojan war, only to be sabotaged along his journey home by Poseidon, god of the sea. Took a total of ten years to get home. 12,110 lines of dactylic hexameter.

Homer was a Greek poet born between the eighth and the twelfth centuries. He was known as a blind storyteller who made stories just out of his imagination. He is famous for the poems; The Iliad and The Odyssey, which according to Greek history, he is credited for writing. Whether he is real or not is a mystery but most Greeks believe that he is real.

Homer was considered a mystery in Greek culture.


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