If I had to choose one word to describe what Western Civ. was like today, that word would be sketchy. Today we talked for five or ten minutes and I drew pictures of boats in my notebook because we were just going over the same thing and then we started to veer off topic. We not only ran off the rails but we derailed so much that we jumped the tracks and rolled into the ditch. What I'm trying to say is that Western Civ. was very tricky this morning. We were wading out into some deep waters and we didn't really know how to swim, if you know what I mean. In other words, we got into a religious belief discussion and it got very risky. There were things that could not be said for liability reasons and there were things that couldn't be said because we don't make fun of other people's religious beliefs. After forty or so minutes of nearly drowning in these waters, we were saved and brought back to land. Then the bell rang and we went off to advisory.


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