
Showing posts from March, 2018
Notes Science and Technology Astronomy: Aristarchus discovered that the sun is at least 300 times larger than the Earth and that Earth and the other planets all revolve around the sun. Ptolemy disagrees with Aristarchus and says that Earth is the center of the universe- this is taught for the next fourteen centuries. Eratosthenes estimated the size of the Earth and said that he found that the Earth is a spherical shape. Mathematics and Physics Euclid wrote the book on all Geometry. This book is titled Elements. Archimedes attempted to estimate the value of pi and explain the law of the lever. The Archimedes screw is a mechanism that draws water from the ground just by turning a gigantic screw to carry water up on the ridges. Philosophy and Art Epicureanism and stoicism; founded the school of philosophy. Colossus of Rhodes - a bronze statue more than 100 feet tall. It was/is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 150 B.C. - the Hellenistic world was in dec
DEBATABLE.. Debatable is the word I would use to describe today's class. Today we spent almost twenty minutes debating whether the test should be tomorrow or after Spring break. After a lot of talking and voting, the class has decided to take the test after break. I really am not feeling all that well and I have a lot of notes to enter so I am going to do that at another time. I know I say that a lot but I will one of these times.
CULTURE We read a couple pages today in class and I am going to incorporate the notes into my blog. So, for starters, Alexandria is the center most area of commerce for the Hellenistic culture. Alexandria had many attractions to offer which brought more and more people to the area. Some of these people included scholars who attended the famous museum and library to try to publicize their findings. The scholars in Alexandria mostly consisted of scientists who wished to pursue the mysteries of the solar system. These scientists also worked in the fields of Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics. Euclid was a well known mathematician in Alexandria. His book, Elements, contains all 465 geometric proofs and propositions. Archimedes of Syracuse studied at Alexandria under Euclid. Archimedes estimated the value of pi, worked with the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and explained he law of the lever.  I then ran out of time before finishing the notes so I will pick up t
NOTES We took notes today and I took a couple pages worth. I have to study for a Bio quiz tomorrow so I am going to make this quick and insert all of my notes into the blog tomorrow. Today we took notes in class on Alexander the Great and how he is the son of Philip II. Some people rushed through and took little notes and don't understand the text but I took the whole class. I will write all of my notes into my blog tomorrow because today I have many other things to do. 
PROJECTS Today we finished grading projects and then we had an off mod. Mr. Schick felt obligated to show us a video about chariot racing. It was Ben-Hur which we saw in eighth grade in Mr. White's class.  Okay that is it. 
PROJECTS Today we presented our projects to the class and gave each other grades. I believe that my trireme deserved and A and I am almost certain that everyone gave us an A. I did not memorize that many facts, however, Ben did. He told off fact after fact and I helped answer the questions so I believe that we will receive an A. After grading a few projects we ran out of time and class ended. We still have a couple more for tomorrow though.
PROJECTS... Today we kept working on our projects that are due on Tuesday. I sketched out a picture of what my prototype is going to look like. I am going to create a base with all water and a main trireme sailing on it with people fighting enemies. I am going to have a flipped over trireme and a boat upside down. I don't want to describe the whole thing though because it is going to be great!
READ!!! (TRIREME) Today we worked on our projects and Ben decided that he was going to write the paper and I was going to construct the model. Frankie decided to leave our group and try to fly solo which is a really bad idea. Ben wrote the paper for most of the class while I tried to get a layout of the vessel I was going to construct. I am thinking of building it out of shish kabob sticks and hot glue. It is going to be great! After working on our projects for while I ran out to grab my computer charger for next class. Then class ended and we left. This blog is late because I lost my TV and internet when I got home due to the snow storm. I originally wrote the blog at 6:15 on Tuesday but it didn't load up so I had to redo it. I hope I don't get a late grade because of this.. sorry for any problems.
WIND STORM... Not really sure what we did on Friday but I know it was something to do with Philosophy. I was freaking out last night because I was afraid the blog was due at midnight and I left my computer at my grandmother's and didn't get home till 10:30 or 11:00. I stayed after school at my grandparents with my sister and my mom until like 8:45 and then started to drive home. When we were over at my grandmother's, she asked us to go out and get her and her husband dinner, so we did. When we exited her court we saw a huge tree across the road so we turned down a different road. On the next road we saw two firetrucks and multiple cop cars whose sirens were screaming. A branch had fallen right in front of our eyes and landed on a power line. It burst into flames and the firefighters were trying to figure out what to do. Then I saw people running from the house just as the whole tree fell on the line and blew into sparks and flames. Then the cops told us to leave the road i
COLOR?! What s the definition of color? I thought I knew but after today's class, I am not so sure anymore. Today someone decided to challenge the idea of color and it got really confusing. Why do you have to question some things? If they make sense just leave them alone. Today we finally finished the ten minute video. It was 10 MINUTES LONG, and it took three classes. Then Vlad had to be a pain like usual and challenge Mr. Schick's prayer. Vlad thinks its best not to say the name of the shooter because we are giving them credit. No, we aren't giving them credit, we are acknowledging that this certain person did a heinous crime that injured multiple people and probably lead to their death. After finishing the video we talked more about color and then the class ended.