Not really sure what we did on Friday but I know it was something to do with Philosophy. I was freaking out last night because I was afraid the blog was due at midnight and I left my computer at my grandmother's and didn't get home till 10:30 or 11:00. I stayed after school at my grandparents with my sister and my mom until like 8:45 and then started to drive home. When we were over at my grandmother's, she asked us to go out and get her and her husband dinner, so we did. When we exited her court we saw a huge tree across the road so we turned down a different road. On the next road we saw two firetrucks and multiple cop cars whose sirens were screaming. A branch had fallen right in front of our eyes and landed on a power line. It burst into flames and the firefighters were trying to figure out what to do. Then I saw people running from the house just as the whole tree fell on the line and blew into sparks and flames. Then the cops told us to leave the road in case the house caught on fire. We left at 8:45 and got home at 10:30. There were multiple trees down on the road and huge eighteen wheelers Jack-knifed on the road. We sat for an hour while three police cars tried to help a truck driver whose bed came unhitched. When we got onto our road; Trappe Church, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic. We have a little bridge you have to cross on the road and this greyhound bus couldn't cross it. Finally the driver was so tired he floored it and made it across. I had to wait two hours to get home but it was nothing compared to the bus behind us. The bus had the flashing banner saying where it was going and it was heading up to New York. A man hopped out of the bus and asked my mom and I where we were going and we said just a mile up and we asked him how long they have been on the road and he said thirteen hours. He was coming from somewhere down past Maryland. He said he was just passing through. When we finally got to our house it was bumper to bumper and we turned into our driveway. My mom was afraid someone was going to mistake our driveway for a road and follow us; no one did. I sat on the porch while my mom checked to see if we had power and we did. As I was sitting I saw ambulances and firetrucks pull in front of my neighbors house and traffic stopped for another hour. I watched from inside, I'm guessing someone got into an accident. My grandparents still don't power. We lost power around 4 pm Friday to 9 pm the same night, not that bad if you ask me but that is because we are on a main road. That is it... so yeah!


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