
Science and Technology
Aristarchus discovered that the sun is at least 300 times larger than the Earth and that Earth and the other planets all revolve around the sun.
Ptolemy disagrees with Aristarchus and says that Earth is the center of the universe- this is taught for the next fourteen centuries.
Eratosthenes estimated the size of the Earth and said that he found that the Earth is a spherical shape.
Mathematics and Physics
Euclid wrote the book on all Geometry. This book is titled Elements.
Archimedes attempted to estimate the value of pi and explain the law of the lever. The Archimedes screw is a mechanism that draws water from the ground just by turning a gigantic screw to carry water up on the ridges.
Philosophy and Art
Epicureanism and stoicism; founded the school of philosophy.
Colossus of Rhodes - a bronze statue more than 100 feet tall. It was/is considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 150 B.C. - the Hellenistic world was in decline. Rome was growing and gaining power.


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