We read a couple pages today in class and I am going to incorporate the notes into my blog. So, for starters, Alexandria is the center most area of commerce for the Hellenistic culture. Alexandria had many attractions to offer which brought more and more people to the area. Some of these people included scholars who attended the famous museum and library to try to publicize their findings. The scholars in Alexandria mostly consisted of scientists who wished to pursue the mysteries of the solar system. These scientists also worked in the fields of Astronomy, Mathematics, and Physics. Euclid was a well known mathematician in Alexandria. His book, Elements, contains all 465 geometric proofs and propositions. Archimedes of Syracuse studied at Alexandria under Euclid. Archimedes estimated the value of pi, worked with the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, and explained he law of the lever. 

I then ran out of time before finishing the notes so I will pick up tomorrow. 


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