A true tyrant in the old and and modern sense of the word. The people's shock at this horrible family and their terrible behavior made them NEVER want to be subject to the rule of kings EVER again. This was an attitude that lasted for centuries.
Rule of Kings is replaced by the rule of two consuls ("gotta be better than one").
Consuls are elected officials
term of office: One year
Always aristocrats (Patricians)
Patricians chased their descent from a famous ancestor, or pater ("father")
Duties: Dealing justice, making laws, commanding the army.
One consul could veto the other; reducing the power of the individual.
Fifth century BCE- patrician dominance of the government was challenged by the plebs ("people"). Plebs were 98% of the population.
Plebs had to serve in the army but could not hold office. Plebs were threatened with debt slavery.
Plebs had no legal rights
Plebs were victims of discriminatory decisions in judicial trials.
Rome had no official laws, just unwritten customs.
Patricians could interpret these to their own advantage.
So... Plebs refused to serve in the military until...
Laws were written out (The Law of the Twelve Tables)
These laws (written on tablets) were posted in public (in 450 BCE)
Tribunes- ("tribal leaders") were elected
SPQR- Senatus Populusque Romanum
Designates any decree or decision made by "the Roman senate and the people."


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