
Showing posts from November, 2017
Korea Options Debate Today, we talked and discussed what is going on in Korea and what that psycho is doing. Then members of the class contemplated whether Trump should destroy Korea or try to negotiate. Then we discussed if it would be right to take the rich people's money and give it to the poor. Everyone decided that it would be wrong if we gave the rich people's hard earned cash to lazy poor people or people who made decisions in life that they shouldn't have. If they did tax the rich, which they do, the rich always find loopholes somehow and they find ways of getting out of paying large taxes. Which leaves people like us; the middle class, to pay for things that we shouldn't have to pay for. If the government does not receive tax money from the rich, they just take it from the middle class. For example, if the middle class and the top class each pay their taxes or each pay their price then everybody is happy. When the rich get out of paying their share, the rich p
DO IT!!! Today we watched a video on population pyramids and how the populations change throughout the years. Then we watched part of a clip on how places like Asia, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and the U.S. have changed throughout the years (life expectancy wise).  We were looking at the graph and it was set to 1810, but then the guy in the video said something like, "Now I am going to show you what it looks like today," and Mr. Schick yelled, " DO IT!!" This was hilarious because he was so enthusiastic and excited it was humorous to us. When the laughter had died down, we took notes and drew the graph in our notebooks. Then we ran out of time and we all headed out to the cafeteria.
Test Grade Finalized As of today, I officially got my first A on a human geo test. I know whoever is reading this is probably like wow it took long enough and yes, it did. I finally got an A on one of his tests instead of getting a thirty percent or a forty. I actually think that my highest was a sixty-nine and now this is my highest. I was actually really glad too because it raised my grade up and now I have all B-ees and two A-s I know that isn't good but I actually have really high B-ees. I am working really hard because I have to raise my gpa. Anyway, I got a ninety-two, not a high A, but an A. Basically we just went over the test during class and that will help for our midterm review and eventually the midterm. 
Owen Collins Honors Human Geography Extra credit Assignment 11/24/17 Kiva Analysis          Kiva Microfunds is a non-profit organization that gives poverty-stricken entrepreneurs the opportunity to receive loans via the internet. presents both students and adults with the convenience of borrowing currency from other people around the world. has connections with donors and lenders throughout eighty countries who have helped support over three hundred and eight thousand borrowers.          Kiva’s mission is to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. This means that the goal of the organization is to connect people in poverty with those who are more fortunate and willing to donate and make the world a better place. Kiva’s goal is to build a connection between the wealthy and those in poverty so that those who have it better off will take the initiative and lend a helping hand.          In 2005, Kiva successfully helped fund one million l
Kiva Today Mr. Schick introduced us to an organization called Kiva. He also gave us an extra credit project which I am going to choose to pursue. I would personally love to donate but my parents hate putting in their information into websites. I mean, we have a specific computer in our house that is locked away and used only for bank account transactions. It's for my mom's business and I probably shouldn't be writing this but it doesn't matter because you would never be able to find it anyway. I mean I would love to donate even if I did not get the extra credit points but I would never be able to convince my parents that the website was save enough for you to pour in your credit card information. My parents do not even use their credit cards, I mean they used them like two weeks ago but before then it was like two years at the most. It is like they do not even exist. I will do my project like Sunday afternoon or tomorrow but not Thursday through Saturday because that
Test  Today we took the test and it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it was going to be but knowing me I probably failed it anyway. for the bonus questions I was just like uhhhh... yea this answer sounds right to me. Besides that it was all pretty easy. The only other part I got stuck on was when it said which chart was Japan and which was the U.S. but I believe that the U.S. has a larger base then Japan. After the test I sat down and tried to google what I thought was the bonus questions and I got them wrong; that is if they were even the questions. My memory is so bad I can't even remember. Then I decided to write my blog as I watched Mike, Sofia, and Maddy play games on their computers and probably countless others who weren't in my line of vision. I think that is pretty much it so yeah!
A Preview of the Test Today we were asked not to bring in food tomorrow only because we are having a substitute teacher and we are taking a six page long quiz. Also, Mr. Schick told us that he has been in a mood for the last one or two days and he has given out four detentions or so because students would not listen to him and they were caught playing games in his class. He then said that we were one of his top favorite classes and then we moved on. Then Mr. Schick went over parts of the test and told us what we need to know and what we don't. He told us that the first page is fifteen questions and it consists of all questions that refer to the factbook. Then we continued on and looked through the quiz and we asked Mr. Schick if said examples were okay if we gave them on a test. He either accepted or declined and then we moved on. We spent a while on push and pull forces and some examples and we finally moved on. Then when we were done going through the test we left. 
Continued... Today students continued to present their projects. I sat and watched the first group and payed attention and then as the second group went up I started to type up this blog. The first group of presenters went up and took up about thirty minutes of class. Then the next group went up and tried to squeeze in before the bell went off. I do not know what we are supposed to be studying for the quiz Friday because we have been presenting for the last two classes. Hopefully we will discuss that matter tomorrow. I just realized that I have Spanish next and I honestly just died a little inside. Well, that's it!
Flying Solo for the Presentation Today the some folks in the class presented their projects and I was one of them. Instead of being in a group of students, I chose to be on my own. Vlad tried to get me to join his group several times but I wouldn't budge. I don't like working on group projects unless you have the option of being alone. Most of the time I get stuck with my friends who don't want to participate at all and then I am left doing all of the work. I do like presenting with another person but not when they are presenting just my work and none of their own. To ensure that this doesn't happen, I work on my own. Another big reason I do not like to work in groups is because of the chance that one of my members got lazy and did some last minute copy and pasting. I've heard it all before trust me, there is no say in it and no escape, everyone goes down for it even if it wasn't you. If you are a member of it, you did it. I presented and I do not think that
Project Link
Personal Blog (would not recommend reading)(please! What happens in this blog stays in this blog) Today I actually got home before six. I wasted time and pushed my homework to the side. Then I checked my email and got the one from Mr. Durkin about the Websters. I knew Teddy since I was two, we used to go to the same ear doctors and we used to hang out all the time. As the years passed we talked less. When I heard what happened I cried for hours. It pained me to see that a long lost friend had passed. I then went onto the website and watched the tribute video with my mom. We both cried the whole time and it hurt her to see the pictures of him as a baby because that's when she remembered him. I didn't believe it when I first heard it and then I broke out into tears... I spent the next few hours talking to a close friend about how I felt and how I knew him. Then I tried to clear my mind by doing homework but it didn't help at all. I don't want to talk about our connection
CAKE!! Today I brought in chocolate cake and everyone was afraid that there wasn't enough but there was actually more than enough and I had left overs. Everyone cut their own slice because Maddy couldn't figure out that if you just cut the piece and then stick the fork under it to act as a spatula, you could pick it up easily. It would be like picking up a box or a palette with a forklift. Then we took some notes and I didn't eat any cake because I was afraid that there wouldn't be enough. We took some notes and I forgot that I still had Mr. Schick's pen so I gave it back to him at the end of the day. Actually I didn't, I taped it to the door of his film studio with a nice little note. Hopefully he got his pen back because I'll probably end up using it again tomorrow. After taking some notes, many people asked questions and Mr. Schick was so proud because most of them were half decent. Not like, can fish drown? They were questions that were asked for an an
Disappointment for Food  Today I was in charge of food for Human Geo. I did not bring in anything though because I figured you all would have had enough stuff from Halloween; I was wrong. So now, on Monday, I am going to bring in either brownies or a cake. Then people complained about how they were hungry and that it wasn't right that they had to eat thirty or forty minutes later than their daily lunch schedule. Then we continued on with the presentation and Ben brought in waters for people. I don't usually drink water and it may have just been me but it tasted kind of like plastic to me. Then we had to go onto our computers and answer I think it was twenty questions on stuff we have been learning recently. Every question was to be found in the factbook. We answered as many questions as we could until class ended which was only like five so we are 25% done.